Possible Solution: If you have Symantec’s Norton Anti-Virus, this problem occurs because there is a limited amount of kernel space available for kernel drivers. For Windows 2000, this limit is 12 KB. If the operating system runs out of kernel space, then the computer displays a blue screen error message. See this web site for more information: http://service1.symantec.com/SUPPORT/ent-security.nsf/docid/2002071208532048?Open&src=w (See also: KStackMinFree.reg)
Also, turn OFF Windows XP’s Prefetching.
The Prefetcher component in Windows XP is part of the Memory Manager, and helps to shorten the amount of time it takes to start Windows and programs.
In some configurations, the prefetcher can cause errors (such as drivers not loading after bootup, Code 10 errors, etc.). It has also been said that the application prefetcher does not actually speed up application launching.
To disable the Prefetcher component, use Registry Editor (Regedit.exe) to locate the EnablePrefetcher value under the following key in the registry:
Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters
Change the value of the EnablePrefetcher value to 0 , and then quit Registry Editor. The next time you start your computer, the Prefetcher component will not start.
You can also adjust how the Prefetch behaves by chaning the value of "EnablePrefetcher" as follows:
0 ---- Disable Prefetching
1 ---- Enable Application Prefetch
2 ---- Enable Boot Prefetch
3 ---- Enable both Boot and Application prefetching (Default value)
5 is not a valid value for this parameter as it is a 2 bit switch.
Even if you keep the prefetch ON, you should periodically delete the contents of the following folder. It's contents will be refreshed in 3 days or immediately if you run the command below. Be sure to reboot
twice after deleting the contents of the folder.
Contents to Delete: c:\windows\prefetch
Rebuild Now (run):
%windir%\System32\rundll32.exe advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks
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